Depreciation of the Japanese Yen

Multiple Factors at Play
- Interest rate differential caused by monetary policy gap.
- Deteriorating trade and service balances amid high commodity prices.
- Hedge unwinding as Japanese institutional investors repatriate funds.
- Chinese foreign reserve shifting out of JPY assets.

Source: Bank of Japan, Factset
Effects on Equity Market
- JPY and TOPIX less correlated than previously, but weak JPY helps corporate profits.
- Beneficiaries include autos, steel & metals, and machinery; weak JPY hurts utilities and retailers.

Source: Factset
- Narrower interest rate gap looks unlikely.
- BOJ’s easy stance based on still modest core inflation.
- Fed anti-inflation stance confirmed at Jackson Hole.
- BOJ waiting for wage hikes to confirm turnaround in deflationary environment.
- For FX to appreciate, BOJ would need to raise interest rates, which seems unlikely under current condition.
- US slowdown or lower commodity prices may weaken USD.
- Effective Yen rate is strongly negatively correlated with commodity prices represented by CRB Index.
Japanese Price Indices

Source: BOJ, Cabinet Office
Correlation with CRB Index

Source: Factset, BIS
What to Watch
We highlight below the factors that are affecting the Japanese Yen.

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